Visar inlägg från september, 2021
A Crypto Trading Hamster Is Outdealing the S&P 500 and Warren Buffet
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Oh no! I just heard that the company that makes yardsticks won't be making them any longer! G Roaner
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International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (IDAFLW)
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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle take private jet after climate change event
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Varför tänker jag på Jonas Sjöstedt?
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The Nuclear Regulatory Commission`s (NRC`s) ongoing Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) program uses probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) techniques to assess the potential for severe core damage (henceforth referred to simply as core damage) based on operating events. The types of operating events considered include accident sequence initiators, safety equipment failures, and degradation of plant conditions that could increase the probability that various postulated accident sequences occur. Such operating events potentially reduce the margin of safety available for prevention of core damage an thus can be considered as precursors to core damage. The current process for identifying, analyzing, and documenting ASP events is described in detail in Vanden Heuval et al. The significance of a Licensee Event Report (LER) event (or events) is measured by means of the conditional probability that the event leads to core damage, the so-called conditional core damage probability or, simply, CCDP. When the first ASP study results were published in 1982, it covered the period 1969--1979. In addition to identification and ranking of precursors, the original study attempted to estimate core damage frequency (CDF) based on the precursor events. The purpose of this paper is to compare the average annual CDF estimates calculated using the CCDP sum, Cooke-Goossens, Bier, and Abramson estimators for various reactor classes using the combined ASP data for the four years, 1990--1993. An important outcome of this comparison is an answer to the persistent question regarding the degree and effect of the positive bias of the CCDP sum method in practice. Note that this paper only compares the estimators with each other. Because the true average CDF is unknown, the estimation error is also unknown. Therefore, any observations or characterizations of bias are based on purely theoretical considerations.
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In a 1978 paper for Science, J. P. McBride at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and his colleagues looked at the uranium and thorium content of fly ash from coal-fired power plants in Tennessee and Alabama. To answer the question of just how harmful leaching could be, the scientists estimated radiation exposure around the coal plants and compared it with exposure levels around boiling-water reactor and pressurized-water nuclear power plants. The result: estimated radiation doses ingested by people living near the coal plants were equal to or higher than doses for people living around the nuclear facilities. At one extreme, the scientists estimated fly ash radiation in individuals' bones at around 18 millirems (thousandths of a rem, a unit for measuring doses of ionizing radiation) a year. Doses for the two nuclear plants, by contrast, ranged from between three and six millirems for the same period. And when all food was grown in the area, radiation doses were 50 to 200 percent higher around the coal plants.
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"Researchers suggest that a "sense of humor" is made up of six ingredients: the cognitive ability to create and/or understand jokes; the appreciation of jokes; behavior patterns of joking and laughing; a cheerful or humorous temperament; a bemused attitude about life; and a strategy of using humor in the face of adversity. " M Kerr
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“Fun is one of the most important and underrated ingredients in any successful venture.” Sir Richard Branson
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"Mitt hus ställer jag där jag trivs i stunden ..."
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"Det är ofta under en fika som de mest intressanta samtalen ter sig" - M L Hellénius
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A joke doesn't become a Dad joke until it's full groan." - G Roaner
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Inga vapen, tobak, alkohol, gambling, pornografi, cannabis, genmodifierade grödor samt fossila bränslen
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Skall det rökas, skall det rökas ordentligt.
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Modernism is something you do to other people. - A Stoddart
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I Stockholm ligger regalen på land och vattnas, i Götet bygger vi nytt och seglar till Kina.
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Carricante ( Mandrarossa Etna Bianco )
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Den långa marschen genom institutionerna
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“If people are laughing, it means they are paying attention.” John Sherman (If only my grade six school teacher believed this!)
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Ifall det fanns sex partier i USA ...
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"Problemen uppstår när många vaccinerade möter en stor smittspridning, som drivs av de ovaccinerade. För ju fler sådana möten som sker, desto högre blir sannolikheten för att det uppstår en variant som vaccinerna inte biter på" - Uno Wennergren, professor i teoretisk biologi, vid Linköpings universitet
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"Vi vet att vi inte vet allt" - Henrik och Rikard Testguru's
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Saftiga burgare denna SM-dag hos Mugwort
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50% tannat, 26% cabbe & 24% cabbe franc
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"Ersättning kan vägras eller sättas ned, om den skadelidandes eget be-teende har föranlett beslutet om frihetsinskränkning eller om det med hänsyn till övriga omständigheter är oskäligt att ersättning lämnas. Ersättning får dock inte vägras eller sättas ned enbart på den grunden att misstanke om brott kvarstår utan att skuldfrågan är klarlagd"
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"When I'm bored I phone up a Best Western Hotel and when they answer I say, "True Grit" and hang up" - Unknown
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"Det finns en sak som vi journalister avskyr mer än mycket: när makthavare inte ställer upp och svarar på våra frågor. Så när vi själva granskas kan vi inte göra annat än att ställa upp och svara så gott vi kan. Det pågår nu en intern debatt bland public service-medarbetare om oberoende och etik som är viktig för hela fundamentet som SVT och SR står på. Att då å ena sidan gå på gala och njuta av privilegierna av att vara högt upp i mediatoppen och samtidigt hälsa via presstjänsten att man är "superupptagen" är helt enkelt inte ok. Så tänk om och ställ upp, Carina Bergfeldt" - Å G Humlesjö
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