Visar inlägg från mars, 2024
“Comparison is the crush of conformity from one side and competition from the other – it’s trying to simultaneously stand out and fit in.” - Brene Brown
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Hoppas Uffe har läst innan beslutet i April …
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Climate struggle is class struggle, for years, the ruling class, primarily through corporations and governments from the Global North dominated by affluent, white, heterosexual cis-males, have exercised their power, gained through colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy and exploitation, to destroy the earth and its occupants with no remorse. They deliberately sacrifice the Global South’s ecosystems and peoples for the sake of their so-called “development” and everlasting “economic growth”. Meanwhile, the working class is used as tools to build the very system that is destroying them. - fridays for future 2022
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“Good leadership requires you to surround yourself with people of diverse perspectives who can disagree with you without fear of retaliation.” Doris Kearns Goodwin
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Pinot Bianco, Weissburgunder, Pinot Blanc and Beli Pinot. Dear child has many names …
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To the person who stole my copy of Microsoft office: I will find you! You have my Word!
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Campillo Blanco( Viura & Chardonnay )
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"You can't stay mad at someone who makes you laugh." Jay Leno
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Attila Pince( restaurang Noot )
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Mat för glädje, mat för sorg …
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Skolans uppdrag är en fördjupning till vår utbildning Öppna skolan - Hbtqi i skolan. Den riktar sig till skolpersonal med syftet att främja samverkan mellan hem och skola i hbtqi-frågor. - Myndigheten för ungdoms och civilsamhällesfrågor
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The secret to living well and longer is eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure.- Tibetan Proverb
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Härlig humor med en allvarlighet ...
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