
Visar inlägg från februari, 2023


Florida middle school teacher is slammed for using black sixth-graders as 'political props' and getting white students to BOW down to them - DailyMail( 24 February 2023 )


Lagstiftningen ses idag som jämlik, då samma hävanderegler gäller samtliga gifta par. RFSL menar dock att andelen presumerade föräldraskap som riskerar att hävas är och kommer att vara större för samkönade par och andra hbtq-par som behöver donerade könsceller för att kunna få barn, då det är vanligare att skaffa barn med hjälp av heminsemination eller assisterad befruktning i utlandet för dessa par. Denna ordning skapar en situation där barn till olikkönade par får tryggare rättsliga familjeband än barn till samkönade föräldrar. - RFSU yttrande om SOU 2022:38

Använder Loreen samma tvål som Michael J?


Etienne Dumont

"I dag har vi därför stora museer som hanterar frågor av mycket klassisk vit manlig karaktär" & "Att uppmärksamma att våra centralmuseer inte täcker in all historia och kulturarv är varken identitetspolitiskt eller vänstervridet" - verksamhetschef Karin Nilsson Statens centrum för arkitektur och design

Det händer att Jan Guillou, författare och journalist, kontaktas av frilansande vinhandlare. Ibland slår han till. Den här gången erbjöd en man som utgav sig vara vinkännare i Italien ett gäng flaskor Château Haut-Brion. – Det är Alex Schulmans favoritvin, säger Jan Guillou, som beställde för strax under 60 000 kronor. - Expressen

"I didn't think the physiotherapist could improve my posture. But I stand corrected!" - Unknown

Margaretha Moldvik

Six first-class counties are demanding urgent answers from the England and Wales Cricket Board as to why a middle-aged player who transitioned from a man to a woman is being allowed to compete against girls as young as 12.... - The Telegraph

Tulipaner till mor

Fusket bland lärarstudenter ökar. – Det är moraliskt förkastligt, säger Tobias Jansson, universitetsadjunkt på ämneslärarprogrammet vid ­Linköpings universitet.

Tur vi har yttrandefrihet ...

Gender-neutral terms have also been added, it was said. The Oompa Loompas in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are now called “small people” instead of “small men”. References to mother and father have been replaced with “parents”, with mentions of girls and boys becoming “children”.- Independent

Augustus Gloop no longer fat as Roald Dahl goes PC Sensitivity readers were hired to scrutinise the text with parts rewritten for a modern audience - Telegraph



Cecilia & Fred

"Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you." M Kerr

För aktivisterna och islamisterna handlar det att hålla bidragskranarna öppna - Ranstorp Ledare i SvD

Dags att byta telefon?

"Oh... East Palestine is just a small town in Ohio? Is that where all the white people live?" said a disappointed Omar to her brother while they were out on a Valentine's Day date. "Who cares about Ohio? Some trains did something. Who cares?" - I Omar

"Det är okej att vara sexist så länge du är feminist" - Emma Jaenson

She added, “Why is the NFL trying to divide us by playing multiple!? Do football, not wokeness.” - Rep. Lauren Boebert

Ibland …

Äntligen, lite riktig läsning …

Kursen jag längtat efter …

Looking back on the coverage of Trump - CJR

Well, we didn´t ...


100 miljarder


”I inkluderingens namn blir kvinnor exkluderade från sina egna utrymmen”

Gates has also said climate change can't be solved by telling people to change their lifestyle, for example, telling people not to eat meat or that they shouldn't want a nice house. - B Gates BBC

Socker …

Dogs prepare you for babies. Cats prepare you for teenagers. - Carroll County Veterinary Hospital

"If you see me talking to myself just move along. I’m self-employed, and we’re having a meeting." - Unknown

Det är vanligare att använda narkotika bland personer med lägre utbildning, lägre inkomst och bland de som står utanför arbetsmarknaden. Narkotikaanvändning är vanligast i gruppen med lägst utbildning och bland personer som saknar arbete eller personer som är sjukskrivna. Narkotikaanvändning är också vanligare i den lägsta inkomstpercentilen. Personer med lägre socioekonomisk position som använder narkotika, använder också narkotika mer frekvent, alltså oftare.

This thesis puts the question if the Islamic Association of Sweden (Islamiska förbundet I Sverige) can be considered to be a branch of the global, Islamist movement The Muslim Brotherhood. This question is highly controversial in Swedish political and academic conversation. To answer it, an investigation is carried through of the organization, ideology, and practical politics of the two movements. The primary sources used are Arabic as well as Swedish websites, messages in media, ideological platforms, works in Islamic theology or political theory, as well as administrative archives and records in Sweden. Especially, interviews are not used. Methodologically, traditional source critical historical method is used Eight indicators of affiliation are developed, like historical origin, organizational and personal contacts as well as ideological or strategic similarity. But also ideology analysis from Political Science when the political ideology of the two is analysed, using a distinction between fundamental and operative levels of political thought, and according to basic ideological themes like: view of (wo)man, worldview, fundamental values, view of the state, and view on political strategy. The result is that there are obvious similarities and connections between the two. The Islamic Association of Sweden is deeply involved in the global Muslim Brotherhood network, an can be regarded as its Swedish branch or “national organization”. Regarding organization the two movements have a similar organizational structure, with an “inner circle” that holds leading positions in a wide organizational network. Regarding ideology there is a striking similarity of fundamental ideas between the two: Islam is interpreted politically – “the Brotherhood’s Islam” – as a comprehensive blue-print for the society ruled by sharia; not as a pietist system for private worship. Their basic values, their views on women, sexuality or the utopian Islamic society are the same. Their views of social change and political strategy are also the same. The basic political strategy is to spread a step-wise, permeating calling to “Islam”, starting from individual to individual, then to the families, companies and authorities, ultimately leading to the total islamization of society and state. The Brotherhood shall act from aside as a presssure group on the regime to support the islamization, not start its own party. In practical politics the Swedish IFiS strictly follows the “European strategy” developed by the main MB ideologist Yusuf al-Qaradawi from 1995 with the four main pillars: da’wah, enclavism, lobbyism and entryism.

Ett tecken på rasism är att utlandsfödda har svårt att få jobb i Dalarna, säger den ansvariga strategen( Patric Samuelsson ) på Länsstyrelsen Dalarna - SR P4


Non Vintage

Helena V


The beginning of fiscal year 2023 saw a further increase in global wind demand prospects for the next ten years, but further governmental action is needed to close the gap between ambitious targets and actual installations. - Siemens Gamesa

Lothar Theissmann

Alltid lika roligt med dubbelmoral inom vänstern ...

Gucci för 890€?

När Public Service hamnar fel, igen …

"The number one premise of business is that it need not be boring or dull. It ought to be fun. If it's not fun, you're wasting your life." Tom Peters

Projektet bidrar till Palmecentrets Palestinaprogram genom sitt inkluderande arbete med marginaliserade ungdomar och kvinnor i östra Jerusalem.