Visar inlägg från november, 2021
"Testosterone is the primary driver of the performance gap between males as a group and females as a group. Starting from the onset of male puberty, testosterone builds the male body in the respects that allow even middling male athletes routinely to outperform elite females" - Martina Navratilova in Quilette
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"As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake" - Quotes & Notes
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"Jag blir fly förbannad när jag läser budgetförslaget som M, SD och KD går fram med. Innehållet är ju ett rent hån mot vanligt folk." - Tobias Baudin Partisekretare S
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"At ABB, we have the clear goal of driving diversity and inclusion across all dimensions: gender, LGBTQ+, abilities, ethnicity and generations. Together, we are embarking on a journey where each and every one of us, individually and collectively, welcomes and celebrates individual differences." - Söka jobb på ABB?😉
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"Nuclear power use has avoided about 74Gt of CO2 over the past 50 years, nearly two year's worth of total global energy-related emissions. In the UNECE region, it currently provides 20% of total generated electricity and 43% of low-carbon generation. In addition, it has the potential to increase its integration with other low-carbon energy sources in a future ..." - UNECE
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"An Emirati general accused of torture and a senior Chinese official have won key posts at Interpol, sparking furious criticism from human rights campaigners." - Sidney Morning Herald
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"- Hur ska du kunna veta om jag vet mer än jag får veta, om du inte vill veta vad jag vet? - Jag behöver inte veta vad du vet, för jag vet redan att du vet mer än du får veta. - Och hur ska du kunna veta att jag vet mer än jag får veta även om du får veta vad jag vet? - Jag vet vad du vet och jag vet vad jag vet och jag vet vad du vet att jag vet och jag vet också vad du vet att jag vet att du vet, men vad du inte vet är att jag vet nånting som du inte vet! - Vad är det du vet som inte jag vet? Och vad är det jag vet som jag inte vet att jag vet?" - Hajen som visste för mycket
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Anders Tegnell tror inte att ett resestopp skulle ha någon större effekt, annat än för länder med direktflyg till de berörda områdena. - DI
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“I went bald years ago, but I still have my comb. I just can’t part with it.” - G Roaner
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"Over three months after the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) began its crackdown on European children’s literature and destroyed 5,000 books for being “offensive” to indigenous people, the body has again sparked an uproar for having withdrawn its support for a book club event with Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad, fearing it could “offend” Muslim students"
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Terres de famille ( Pinot Noir )
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"It wasn't until you pointed and advanced that (Rittenhouse) fired, right?" Chirafisi asked. Grosskreutz agreed.
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- Man kan inte applicera samma regler till en journalist och till en dokumentärfilmare. Alltså om journalister behöver vara objektiva … dokumentärfilmare behöver inte vara objektiva, säger Antonio Russo Merenda. Producent Ginestra Film
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"Kinas utsläpp är den enskilt viktigaste faktorn för klimatets framtid. Landet släpper idag ut mer koldioxid än EU och alla övriga OECD-länder tillsammans. I motsatts till andra ledande ekonomier så ökade de kinesiska utsläppen även under pandemin, och förväntas enligt myndigheternas officiella klimatpolitik fortsätta att öka fram till år 2030"
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Rapid progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) has brought increasing attention to the potential impacts of AI technologies on society. In this paper we discuss one such potential impact: the problem of accidents in machine learning systems, defined as unintended and harmful behavior that may emerge from poor design of real-world AI systems. We present a list of five practical research problems related to accident risk, categorized according to whether the problem originates from having the wrong objective function (“avoiding side effects” and “avoiding reward hacking”), an objective function that is too expensive to evaluate frequently (“scalable supervision”), or undesirable behavior during the learning process (“safe exploration” and “distributional shift”). We review previous work in these areas as well as suggesting research directions with a focus on relevance to cutting-edge AI systems. Finally, we consider the high-level question of how to think most productively about the safety of forward-looking applications of AI.
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"We are short staffed so please be patient!If you can’t be patient, please ask for an application!" - Dunkin' Donuts
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“The main evolutionary significance of humor is that it gets us from the closed mode to the open mode quicker than anything else" - John Cleese
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"China will enforce punishment for those on the list by not letting them enter the mainland and its Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian said in a statement on Friday. Such blacklisted individuals will not be allowed to cooperate with entities or people from the mainland, nor will their companies, or entities which fund them, be allowed to profit from the mainland, she added." - Reuter
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"Senior party officials in a closed-door meeting in Beijing approved a decision reassessing the party’s 100-year history and enshrining Mr. Xi in the party’s official firmament of era-defining leaders. The move, signaled in an official summary of the meeting, elevated Mr. Xi to a stature alongside Mao Zedong, the founder of the country’s Communist rule, and Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of its economic takeoff. Under Mr. Xi’s leadership, China has “made historic achievements and undergone a historic transformation,” said an official summary, or communiqué, from the meeting, hailing what the party described as successes in the economy, foreign policy, fighting pollution and containing Covid. Under Mao, Deng and now Mr. Xi, the communiqué said, China had “achieved the tremendous transformation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong." - New York Times
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linguistic legacies that everyone inherits, and the racialized white discourses that are used as standards, which give privilege to those students who embody those habits of white language already.' - Asao Inoue, professor of rhetoric and composition
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According to The Sunday Times, State Street Global Advisors, one of the world’s largest investment firms, must gain special approval to hire white men. The asset management unit of State Street Corp. will need to gain such permission as it launches a diversity hiring initiative. “This is now front and central for State Street — it’s on every senior executive’s scorecard,” said Jess McNicholas, the bank’s head of inclusion, diversity, and corporate citizenship in London. State Street denied that hiring teams needed “special approval to hire white men” but reaffirmed its goal of elevating certain races and ethnicities above others and “hold ourselves accountable for strengthening Black and Latinx owned businesses.” Boston-based State Street Corp. reportedly has about 40,000 employees at more than 30 offices globally. It had $3.9 trillion in assets under management as of Sept. 30, 2021. The firm aims to triple the number of Black, Asian, and other minority staff in senior positions by 2023, per The Sunday Times. If executives don’t meet the target, they will face lowered bonuses. When hiring middle management staff, recruiters will have to set up panels of four or five employees, including a woman and a person with a minority background. The firm will still hire white men, McNicholas said, but recruiters are required to show that the panels interviewed women and minority applicants. “All of our leaders have to demonstrate at their annual appraisals what they have done to improve female representation and the number of colleagues from ethnic-minority backgrounds.” - BlackEnterprise
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"As a designer, of course we always appropriated things from a lot of different cultures, but it was seen as a form of celebration and honouring that particular culture... now you have to think twice because it can be called out as appropriation.” - Tom Ford
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Vernaccia di San GimignanoVigna Santa Margherita
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"Det är viktigt för den enskilda individen att få leva i det kön och identitet man har" - Lena Hallengren (S) i SVT
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An Extinction Rebellion spokesman said: “As world leaders gather for the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow this month, protesters are calling on the world’s super-rich elite of celebrities, oligarchs and business leaders to ditch private flights. “These private flyers, just 1% of the world’s population, cause half of aviation’s global emissions. Extinction Rebellion is also demanding the Government stops private flights now." - Glasgow Times
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"I want to bring a feminist perspective to the canon, as a young woman writer," she said. "I want to honour what's come before, but also create something new and create a space for all of us to be heroes". "We're in we're in a very different world now to Fleming's novels. And in some ways the world Fleming was writing about didn't exist. He was writing about this luxurious, materialistic world where Britain had major significance on the international stage... during changes in Britain's imperialism. "Bond has always been a fantasy, but it's a fantasy that can reflect us and shape us and I'm so excited to get to be part of that for a contemporary world," - Kim Sherwood
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“To have a Black face speaking in behalf of a White supremacist legacy is nothing new,” M E Dyson
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1 - 2.7 grader till år 2100 enligt IPC ar 6( SSP2-4.5 )
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Vågar man öppna paket från Kina? Tengil sa ju att covidviruset inte skulle ta sig till Sverige men gjorde det ändå. Vad kan finnas i ett paket?
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“Some stranger somewhere remembers you because you were kind to them"
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"Systemet med krav på märkning och registrering av katter föreslås motsvara det nuvarande systemet med krav på märkning och registrering av hundar. Det innebär att Jordbruksverket får ansvaret att föra register över kattägare. Regeringen får meddela föreskrifter om att Jordbruksverket får överlåta ansvaret för registerföringen till en annan myndighet eller till en organisation. Vidare ges vissa myndigheter, bl.a. Polismyndigheten, länsstyrelserna och Tullverket, direktåtkomst till registret över kattägare. Det föreslås också att regeringen eller den myndighet som regeringen bestämmer får meddela föreskrifter om att kattägare ska vara skyldiga att betala en avgift för registreringen.Slutligen föreslås att länsstyrelsen får meddela förelägganden om att bestämmelserna om märkning och registrering ska följas. Förelägganden får förenas med vite.Lagändringarna föreslås träda i kraft den 1 januari 2023." - Regeringen
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Många blir det. Har alla klimatkompenserat?
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"En djärv början är att föredra" - Vergilius Poet o Vinmästare
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